Houston Fertility Center

Pregnancy and COVID: Should I Wait?

Dec 24, 2020 @ 12:45 PM — by Sonja Kristiansen, MD
Tagged with: Covid Pregnancy

While it may be ideal to wait to have children until the pandemic is under control, not everyone has the luxury of time. Our fertility clinic offers a wide range of treatments and diagnostic exams to help Houston, TX, couples conceive. Time is of the essence when it comes to fertility.

There is still much to learn about pregnancy and COVID, but we do know that many women have had healthy pregnancies by reducing risk of infection. It's understandable to have questions and uncertainties about pregnancy and COVID. Dr. Sonja Kristiansen is available to discuss your concerns. Below is some basic information about pregnancy during the pandemic.

What Do We Know About COVID-19 and Pregnancy?

There is still a lot that remains unknown about the risk of COVID-19 to pregnant women and their babies. However, we do have the following information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

COVID-19 and Pregnant Women

We do know that pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe COVID illness and may be at increased risk of preterm birth and other complications.

COVID-19 and Newborn Babies

The CDC states that it is uncommon for newborns born to COVID positive mothers to contract the virus. Although uncommon, newborns can and have contracted the virus.

What's not clear is whether the babies with COVID were born with it or contracted the virus shortly after birth. Most newborns who were born with COVID have only had mild symptoms or none at all while a very small number have had severe illness.

Should I Wait to Become Pregnant?

Although becoming pregnant and having a baby during a pandemic is less than ideal, for some women waiting for the pandemic to end is not an option.

Rest assured, precautions are in place at our fertility clinic in Houston to safely provide fertility treatment. You don't have to lose valuable time during this pandemic in pursuing your dreams of parenthood.

Follow COVID-19 Precautions

Whether you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it is important to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. It should also be noted that anyone you live with should also take precautions to avoid contracting COVID as this virus can easily spread between people living in the same home.

Some tips to reduce your risk of contracting COVID include:

By taking these steps and following the most current recommendations from the CDC and local authorities, you can lower your risk of contracting COVID and have a healthy pregnancy.

Schedule a Consultation

If you have questions about pregnancy and COVID or would like to learn more about fertility treatment, please call (713) 225-5375 or schedule a consultation online at our Houston fertility clinic.