Houston Fertility Center

Exploring Luteal Phase Defect Treatment

Dec 31, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by Sonja Kristiansen, MD
Tagged with: Female Infertility

Luteal phase defect (LPD) is a frustrating condition that can prevent pregnancy or make it difficult to remain pregnant. Fortunately, for prospective parents in the Houston, TX area, Dr. Sonja B. Kristiansen provides infertility testing to identify problematic factors and help to overcome them. Here, we will discuss luteal phase defect treatment at the Houston Fertility Center, and how it can help our patients achieve a successful pregnancy.

What Is Luteal Phase Defect?

The luteal phase is the third stage of the menstrual cycle, and occurs between ovulation and the beginning of a woman’s period. This phase is crucial, as it is when fertilization and implantation occurs. During the luteal phase, the uterine lining grows thicker in preparation for possible pregnancy. If the luteal phase is interrupted, or if it lasts less than 12 days, then the uterine lining may not have enough time to properly develop, making it difficult to become or remain pregnant.

Symptoms of Luteal Phase Defect

A luteal phase defect may occur if the ovaries do not release a sufficient amount of progesterone. For example, if progesterone levels do not increase enough after ovulation or if they decrease too soon before menstruation, it can result in a shortened luteal phase. In addition to progesterone levels, these indicators can also suggest that a luteal phase defect is present:

Diagnosis of Luteal Phase Defect

Although there is currently no test that can pinpoint a luteal phase defect exclusively, there are certain analyses that can indicate its presence. Blood tests may be recommended to measure your hormone levels, such as progesterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. Additionally, a pelvic ultrasound can be performed to assess the thickness of your uterine lining.

Luteal Phase Defect Treatment

Women who are trying to become pregnant may benefit from certain therapies. These can include:

Other Considerations

In addition to the aforementioned therapies, many researchers believe that certain lifestyle changes can increase hormone levels and fertility. Some recommendations include:

Learn More about Luteal Phase Defect Treatment

To learn more about infertility testing and treatments, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kristiansen, contact a team member online. You can also call our Houston office at (713) 862-6181 or our Sugar Land office at (713) 225-5375.