Houston Fertility Center

How to Prepare for the IVF Consultation at Our Houston Fertility Center

Mar 26, 2014 @ 03:29 PM — by Sonja Kristiansen, MD
Tagged with: Ivf Infertility

The decision to take that all-important initial step toward beginning or expanding your family through in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a monumental one. Even if you decide that IVF at our fertility center is not the right choice for you, we understand that even the consideration of the treatment marks a major event in the lives of you and your partner. As such, the compassionate and experienced professionals of our fertility center in Houston regard every IVF consultation we conduct as a serious and important opportunity to educate, empathize, and lend a sense of perspective to a potentially confusing and even frustrating time.

Dr. Sonja Kristiansen and her staff are proud to offer their services as women specializing in the fertility care of women. We believe that when you enter our office for the first time, you will immediately feel comfortable and a sense of belonging. First impressions can make all the difference in your decision making process, and we want your first impression of our team and our practice to be an outstanding one. Here’s just a glimpse of what you can expect during your initial consultation at Houston Fertility Center.

What to Expect during Your First Visit

When you walk into our elegantly appointed office, you’ll immediately notice that it is clean, open, and warm. Each member of our team is highly trained to provide exceptional customer service and answer any questions you might have. If there is anything we can do to make your visit more pleasant and comfortable, simply say the word, and we’ll do whatever we can.

It is best that both you and your partner be present for the initial consultation, as we can then conduct full medical histories of both of you. During your time with Dr. Kristiansen, you will:

During your initial visit to our office, you will also have the chance to discuss insurance issues and learn about your payment and financing options. If you decide to proceed with treatment, you will meet with our scheduling coordinator and plan out your next steps. We will advise you of what to expect at each of your next appointments and what you will need to do to prepare.

At every stage of your experience with Houston Fertility Center, you can expect to be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.

Preparing for Your Consultation

For your part, the best thing you can do to prepare for your consultation is to have questions ready to present to our experts. The more you ask, the better prepared you will be to make a confident decision regarding your fertility treatment. As questions come into your mind, especially if you research IVF on the Internet, please write them down and bring that list with you to your consultation.

Please also remember to bring any documents that we request at the time you schedule your consultation.

Contact Houston Fertility Center

If you would like to schedule your initial consultation with our caring, skilled fertility specialists, please contact Houston Fertility Center today. We would be pleased to answer any questions you might have and welcome you into our practice.