Houston Fertility Center

Preparing for Pregnancy

Apr 30, 2013 @ 10:00 AM — by Sonja Kristiansen, MD
Tagged with: Getting Pregnant Female Infertility

Most women know the importance of seeking medical attention at the start of pregnancy so that the pregnancy can be monitored and healthy habits can begin right away. However, women can do a lot of preparation leading up to pregnancy as well. When a couple decides the time is right to become pregnant, there are steps that should be taken in order to prepare the body and increase the odds of a successful pregnancy. Couples who come to Dr. Sonja Kristiansen’s Houston fertility center are given helpful advice for pregnancy planning. Whether a couple is just beginning their journey toward parenthood or if they have previously had difficulty conceiving, these steps can help ensure that the woman’s body is in the optimum state for conceiving. When a couple has decided to actively pursue parenthood, the following steps should be taken in order to properly prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy:

This advice is useful to any woman trying to conceive. Even those patients of ours who are undergoing fertility treatment can benefit from following the steps above. For instance, for our patients in Houston, in vitro fertilization is more likely to be successful when the woman’s body is in the optimal condition for conception and pregnancy.

Schedule a Consultation

For couples that have had difficulty conceiving, trying these pregnancy planning tips may help. However, if difficulty continues, it may be time to explore additional options. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sonja Kristiansen to learn more about the many fertility treatments available at Houston Fertility Center.