Houston Fertility Center

How Do My Patients Want Their Loved Ones To Think About Infertility?

Oct 8, 2009 @ 03:00 PM — by Sonja Kristiansen, MD
Tagged with: Dr Miriam Stoppard Daily Mirror Emotional Support Family Infertility

Every now and then I run across unusually good advice to friends and loved ones of infertility patients. This Q&A by Dr. Miriam Stoppard on UK's Daily Mirror is one such piece.

Titled How can I help my daughter cope with not having children?, Dr. Stoppard's response explains both succinctly and thoughtfully some of the emotions that infertile people experience. She also describes in understandable terms a healthy frame of mind that family and friends can adopt toward loved ones to lend respect to the individual's experience and journey.

This is a nice one to clip and pass around.